Welcome to our in-depth guide for Catching Pokemon Go Pokemon, Spawn Locations, Climates and Areas all play major factors in certain Pokemon spawn rates. For example bodies of water such as rivers and ponds have a very high spawn rates for Water Type Pokemon. Catching Pokemon Go Ghost Pokemon is easier at night time since Ghost Type Spawn Rate in much higher during night time. Before we get into catching Pokemon and the Pokemon Go Spawn Rates we should understand some of the basic Pokemon Go Tips for catching Pokemon.
Pokemon Go Catching Pokemon
The 3 Basic Pokemon Go Tips Players Need To Know!
Finding Rare Pokemon To Catch
- Trainer Level: Higher level trainers will see higher level and rarer Pokemon. This means you will find Pokemon with higher CP and you will start to find Pokemon you previously could not.
- Popularity: Pokemon have higher spawn rates at places that are more frequented by people, and especially other Pokemon Go users.
- Time & Location: Catching Pokemon Go Pokemon can be difficult if you’re looking for a particular type of pokemon. However, you can increase your chance/spawn rate of certain Pokemon at specific locations and times. Below we go into greater detail of Pokemon Go Spawn Locations you can find certain Pokemonn to catch.
Increasing Your Chance To Catch Pokemon

If you want the highest chance of catching Pokemon, you need to wait until the ring inside the circle is at it’s smallest. That’s the advice straight from the Niantic developers. When you start seeing orange and red rings, you’ll maximize your chances of success as much as you can — especially once you start trying to capture rare Pokemon with Great and Master Balls.
Spinning Your Pokeball Increases the Chance of a Successful Catch
It would appear that spinning your pokeball increases your chance rate to successfully catching a pokemon.
Turning Off AR For Higher Pokemon Catch Rates
Using the game’s AR function causes wild Pokemon’s to jitter around making it difficult to catch Pokemon. Turning off AR keeps Pokemon relatively still, allowing your throws to be more accurate, and your catch rates to be higher.
In the lower right-hand corner of your screen, there is a list of Pokemon available near by. The Pawprints signify how close a Pokemon is near you, depending on how many paws are visible equals the distance you need to travel.
- 3 paws = 150m
- 2 paws = 100m
- 1 paw = 50m
- 0 paws = 0m/capture range

Where Is A Good Place To Start Catching Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
Niantic (The Pokemon Go developers) suggests going to parks as a general starting point. Parks — especially parks with PokéStops — are great places to catch creatures, and if the pokéstop is lit with a Lure Module there will be plenty of Pokemon to catch there. this will also increase the Spawn rate of Pokemon related to the area.

Do Lure Modules and Incense Stack?
I don’t think they stack so much as they spawn their own pokemon and work in tandem.
Lured pokemon at stops have a different color beneath them, incense pokemon are circled with the same pink clouds as the trainer. This would indicate they are both working at the same time.
I don’t think they stack so much as they spawn their own pokemon and work in tandem.
Lured pokemon at stops have a different color beneath them, incense pokemon are circled with the same pink clouds as the trainer. This would indicate they are both working at the same time.
Meaning they work together and you will see more pokemon spawning with both in use at the same time.
Side Note: (Incense spawns roughly 1 pokémon every 5 min while standing still and every 1 min/200 meters while moving)
Finding Water Pokemon in Pokemon Go: Water Pokemon are fairly easy to catch if you live close to large bodies of water. If not then you will need to find key locations known for water-related landmarks or even small local ponds.
Where Do I Catch Water Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Canal – Dock – Harbors – Lake – Ocean – Beach – River – Riverbank – Stream – Wetland – Ports – Reservoir – Basin
There is a Total of 32 Pokemon Go Water Pokemon: Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Psyduck, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Seel, Dewgong, Shellder, Cloyster, Krabby, Kingler, Horsea, Seadra, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Goldeen, Seaking, Staryu, Starmie, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras and Vaporeon

Finding Fire Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Fire Type Pokemon are common in residential areas like neighborhoods. Players are reporting higher spawn rate of fire type Pokemon in dry/arid and warmer type climates. Note: You will still find fire type Pokemon in any climate, they will just be less common.
Where Do I Catch Fire Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Residential – Cities – Neighborhoods – Dry/Arid Climate – Warmer Climate – Beach – Parks
Unconfirmed: Parking lots – Gas Stations.
There is a Total of 12 Pokemon Go Fire Pokemon: Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash, Magmar and Flareon. Moltres is a legendary Pokemon who currently you cannot catch in the wild.

Finding Grass Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Grass Pokemon are very easy since they can be found in a lot of common locations, such as parks and golf courses. Some not so common areas, Pokemon Go players living in the city will find it difficult to access some of these areas.
Where Do I Catch Grass Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Parks – Farmland – Forest – Hiking Trails – Gardens – Golf Courses – Woodland – Grassy Areas – Meadow – Nature Reserve
There is a Total of 14 Pokemon Go Grass Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Tangela, Paras and Parasect.

Finding Electric Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Most electric pokemon are found near college campuses and universities. Some players have reported them in residential and largely concreted areas.
Where Do I Catch Electric Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Universty – College Campus – Industrial Parks – Residential – School
Unconfirmed: Library
There is a Total of 9 Pokemon Go Electric Pokemon: Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz and Jolteon. Zapdos is a legendary pokemon who does not appear in the wild at the moment.

Finding Rock Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Rock Pokemon are pretty common around areas with features that are similar to rocks. such as quarries and farmland have high spawn rates for rock pokemon.
Where Do I Catch Rock Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Quarries – Farmland – Parking Lots – Parking Buildings – Cities – Hiking Trails – Nature Reserve
Unconfirmed: Shopping Centres – Shopping Malls
There is a Total of 11 Pokemon Go Rock Pokemon: Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onix, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops and Aerodactyl.

Finding Psychic Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Psychic pokemon tend to appear in residential areas mostly during night time. While others have reported finding psychic pokemon near hospitals.
Where Do I Catch Psychic Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Residential (Night Time) – Hospitals – Grassy Areas
Unconfirmed: Beach – Library
There is a Total of 14 Pokemon Go Psychic Pokemon: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Drowzee, Hypno, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Slowpoke, Slowbrow Jynx and Mr. Mime. Mewtwo and Mew do not appear in the wild, they will mostly likely be a special event held at a later date.

Finding Bug Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Bug pokemon have similar spawn locations to grass pokemon. Locations such as Farmland, Woods and even nature reserves.
Where Do I Catch Bug Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Parks – Farmland – Forest – Gardens – Golf Courses – Woodland – Grassy Areas – Meadow – Nature Reserve
There is a Total of 12 Pokemon Go Bug Pokemon: Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Paras, Parasect, Venonat, Venomoth, Scyther and Pinsir.

Finding Ground Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Ground pokemon have similar spawn locations to rock pokemon. Locations such as Farmland have some of the highest spawn rate of ground pokemon.
Where Do I Catch Bug Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Parks – Farmland – Woodland – Quarry – Golf Course
There is a Total of 14 Pokemon Go Ground Pokemon: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Cubone, Marowak, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Nidoqueen and Nidoking.

Finding Poison Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Poison pokemon spawn near wetland with marches and on occasion in large industrial areas.
Where Do I Catch Poison Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Wetlands – Marches – Lakes – Industrial Areas
There is a Total of 33 Pokemon Go Poison Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Venonat, Venomoth, Bellsprout, Weepinbel, Victreebel, Ekans, Arbok, Nidoran (Female), Nidoran (Male), Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidorino, Nidoking, Zubat, Golbat, Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Weezing, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Gastly, Haunter and Gengar.

Finding Normal Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Normal pokemon spawn just about everywhere they are not hard to find. Some locations normal pokemon will spawn more often then others.
Where Do I Catch Normal Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Residential Areas – Universities – College Campuses – Parking Lots
There is a Total of 22 Pokemon Go Normal Pokemon: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Meowth, Persian, Farfetch’d, Doduo, Dodrio, Lickitung, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon and Snorlax.

Finding Dragon Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Dragon pokemon tend to spawn near landmarks or places of interest. Players are reporting dragon pokemon spawning around golf course areas.
Where Do I Catch Dragon Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Golf Course – Landmarks – Places of Interest
There is a Total of 3 Pokemon Go Dragon Pokemon: Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.

Finding Fairy Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Fairy pokemon spawn near landmarks or places of interest. Players are reporting they can also be found by churches and cemeteries.
Where Do I Catch Fairy Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Churches – Landmarks – Places of Interest – Cemeteries
There is a Total of 5 Pokemon Go Fairy Pokemon: Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff and Mr. Mime.

Finding Fighting Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Fighting pokemon spawn near Gyms in real life and even Stadiums. They can also be found near sports centers.
Where Do I Catch Fighting Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Gyms – Sport Centers – Stadiums – Recreation Areas
There is a Total of 8 Pokemon Go Fighting Pokemon: Mankey, Primeape, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Poliwrath.

Finding Ghost Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Ghost pokemon spawn around churches on occasion. Players are reporting ghost pokemon spawning in residential areas and with higher spawn rate during night time/afternoon/early morning. (Note: Players are reporting the lack of ghost Pokemon in cemeteries and graveyards.)
Where Do I Catch Ghost Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Churches – Residential Areas ( Slighty Higher Spawn Rate During Night Time/After Noon/Early Morning )
Unconfirmed: Cemeteries – Graveyards
There is a Total of 8 Pokemon Go Ghost Pokemon: Gastly, Haunter and Gengar.

Finding Ice Pokemon In Pokemon Go: Ice pokemon are spawning near large bodies of water and Large Grassy areas. Pokemon Go players in areas with snow currently will have a higher spawn rate for ice pokemon then those who are not.
Where Do I Catch Ice Pokemon? – ( Higher Spawn Rate Locations )Confirmed: Bodies of Water – Ski Resorts – Glacier – Grassy Areas
There is a Total of 5 Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon: Jynx, Dewgong, Cloyster, Lapras and Articuno. Articuno is a legendary pokemon not found in the wild. Legendary pokemon will most likely only be obtained in special events at a later date.

Spawn Data and Other Influences
Aside from spawn zones, there is speculation that other factors such as the time of day, the weather (especially humidity), and more can affect Pokémon spawn rates.
Biome List of Pokemon Go Spawn Zones:
Aside from spawn zones, there is speculation that other factors such as the time of day, the weather (especially humidity), and more can affect Pokémon spawn rates.
Biome List of Pokemon Go Spawn Zones:
- Basin
- Canal
- Cemetery
- Cinema
- College
- Commercial
- Common
- Ditch
- Dock
- Drain
- Farm
- Farmland
- Farmyard
- Footway
- Forest
- Garden
- Glacier
- Golf Course
- Grass
- Highway
- Hospital
- Hotel
- Industrial
- Lake
- Land
- Library
- Major Road
- Meadow
- Minor Road
- Nature Reserve
- Ocean
- Park
- Parking
- Path
- Pedestrian
- Pitch
- Place of Worship
- Playa
- Playground
- Quarry
- Railway
- Recreation Area
- Reservoir
- Residential
- Retail
- River
- Riverbank
- Roads
- Runway
- School
- Sports Center
- Stadium
- Stream
- Taxiway
- Theater
- University
- Urban Area
- Wetland
- Wood
What Pokemon Should I Be Catching?
You should catch every Pokemon you come across in the wild. However not all Pokemon are created equal, some are more valuable than others due many factors. below we will talk about the different types you should be catching in Pokemon Go and why.
The Best Pokemon You Should Be Catching In Pokemon Go
![]() | Eevee is a Pokemon you should always be catching since it can evolve into a Fire, Water and even Electric. The Water-type Vaporeon is among the strongest Pokemon in our Pokemon Go Tier List, Flareon being second strongest and Jolteon the weakest of the three. Vaporeon 40 CP Power Per Level = S Tier Flareon 37 CP Power Per Level = S Tier Jolteon 30 CP Power Per Level = A Tier Players are saying there is, in fact, a way to force an evolution of your Eevee. The Eevee Brothers from the original anime were named Rainer, Pyro, Sparky and they owned a Vaporeon, Flareon and Jolteon respectively. If you nickname your Eevee either Rainer, Pyro or Sparky, your Eevee will evolve into that desired Eeveelution! NAME: Sparky = Jolteon Rainer = Vaporeon Pyro = Flareon |
![]() | Snorlax is a Rare Pokemon to come by if your lucky enough to have one, good know you are ready for the next step. Since you now control what is hopefully a high CP Power Snorlax, you should place him within a gym since he makes an excellent defender with his large amount of HP. Snorlax 45 CP Power Per Level = S Tier Within The Pokemon Go Tier List. |
![]() | Pidgey is surprisingly a Pokemon worth farming as much as possible. Since Pidgey can be found everywhere in Pokemon Go, It makes it rather easy to catch/farm them. The main reason you want to catch lots of pidgeys is for the XP you get from evolving them since it only takes 12 Candies to evolve this can be done a lot and with a Lucky Egg you can cash in on tons of XP. 12 Candies = 500XP *With Lucky Egg = 1000XP |
Where Can I Catch Certain Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
Based on Players Pokemon Go Catch Locations. Certain Pokemon can be caught in specific locations and climates since these are the two major factors for Pokemon spawn rates. Below We List How To Catch Pokemon In Pokemon Go and their Likey Locations Pokemon will be found.
Catching Pokemon Spawn Locations
Pokemon Types | Pokemon Go High Spawn Rate Locations |
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You can find normal type Pokémon in parking lots, cities, university campuses, and gas stations, and near suburbs, grass, lakes, and parks. For the most part. this type will spawn anywhere in any climate.

These two Pokémon types are most often found near grass, lakes, and cities, parks and usually in "grassland" or "coastal" climates. Industrial Areas have a higher spawn rate of Poison Pokemon.

Grass types like to hang out predominantly (surprise) where there is grass: That means places like golf courses and parks, but also near beaches. They're available in all climates, but most predominant in grassland areas.

Where you will most likely to encounter Water type Pokémon is on the coastline. You can also find them near rivers, lakes, ponds, docks, wetlands, beaches and even parks with ponds or with bodies of water.

These desert-friendly Pokémon are pretty common in arid climates, but you may also find them lurking around the suburbs, in parks — and, strangely, even occasionally at the beach.

There is not enough evidence to say definitively, though these type will spawn almost anywhere in the suburbs and near parking lots.

The most likey place you will find rock type is Farmland areas. They can also be found largely in West-coast areas as well as suburbs and parking lots.

Largely found in the suburbs of grassland communities as well as beach towns. Unconfirmed, but this type seems to spawn more frequently in the evening.

If you're looking for electric type pokemon; you can poke around your local college campus or Universtiy since they have higher spawn rates around those areas.

Psychic type Pokémon love grassland areas, and are some of the first higher-level creatures you can catch in those towns. You can also find higher-level Psychics near the beach.

There is NO evidence to suggest that ghost type spawn more frequently at cemeteries, but they do seem to like parking lots and have a much higher spawn rate at Night-Time.

Both of these Pokémon types are fairly rare, they have been spotted near river water. Dragon Pokemon Type tend to have a higher spawn rate near golf courses.
Where Are Some Pokemon Go Spawn Locations?
There are certain areas that will have a much higher spawn rate for different types of Pokemon. Some Pokemon don’t have specific Pokemon go spawn locations; instead, they simply spawn during night time like ghost Pokemon. You can increase your chance rate of certain Pokemon spawning while in a specific location related to that Pokemon. Every pokemon has a chance rate to spawn anywhere, Below we list general spawn rate chance for each pokemon no matter where you are.
Pokemon Totals | |
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Where Do I Catch Legendary Pokemon Go Pokemon?
At the current moment there are no Pokemon Go Spawn locations for legendary Pokemon, so you can’t. Niantic will likely enable players to catch Legendary Pokemon in the future as the game continues to grow.
Region-Specific and Uncatchable Pokémon
Some Pokémon can appear in the wild only in specific continents. These Pokémon however can be hatched out of 10km eggs in any region. The rarest Legendary Pokémon are not yet available.
Some Pokémon can appear in the wild only in specific continents. These Pokémon however can be hatched out of 10km eggs in any region. The rarest Legendary Pokémon are not yet available.
Pokémon Occurs In
Farfetch’d – Asia | South Korea | Kyoto Japan
Kangaskhan – Australia
Mr. Mime – Europe | Netherlands, Dordrecht, Eindhoven | Germany | England, UK
Tauros – USA | North America, Utah, Maryland, California, Massachusetts, Michigan, Texas | Northern Mexico | Ontario, Canada |
Ditto – Unavailable
Articuno – Unavailable
Zapdos – Unavailable
Moltres – Unavailable
Mewtwo – Unavailable
Mew – Unavailable
Farfetch’d – Asia | South Korea | Kyoto Japan
Kangaskhan – Australia
Mr. Mime – Europe | Netherlands, Dordrecht, Eindhoven | Germany | England, UK
Tauros – USA | North America, Utah, Maryland, California, Massachusetts, Michigan, Texas | Northern Mexico | Ontario, Canada |
Ditto – Unavailable
Articuno – Unavailable
Zapdos – Unavailable
Moltres – Unavailable
Mewtwo – Unavailable
Mew – Unavailable
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